After 16 Years of Success, SABLA Expands with Private Practice: Introducing 'Coach Dane'
After 16 Years of Success, SABLA Expands with Private Practice: Introducing 'Coach Dane'

San Antonio Business Leadership Academy (SABLA) has been at the forefront of team leadership development since its founding in 2008. Now, with the introduction of a new private practice, Coach Dane, the Academy is expanding its mission to help individuals achieve more of their God-given potential through personalized business coaching. We sat down with Dane Bauerle, founder of SABLA and Coach Dane, to discuss this exciting new venture.

Question: Dane, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. To start, what inspired you to expand SABLA’s focus to include private practice business coaching?

Dane Bauerle: The inspiration really came from my long-term relationships with clients. Over the years, I've seen many of them grow and advance through our team leadership programs. However, several clients reached out to me after some time apart, expressing a need to reignite that same growth. Whether they’ve hit a bump in the road, feel stuck, or are aiming for their next promotion, Coach Dane was created to provide that personalized attention and help them get that edge.

Question: How does Coach Dane differ from the team leadership development that SABLA is known for?

Dane Bauerle: While the concepts are similar, Coach Dane is focused on one-on-one attention. This isn’t therapy; it’s about accountability, training, and development that lead to tangible results. The format is familiar to my clients, but the hyper-individual focus is what sets it apart. We concentrate on small, consistent improvements that lead to dynamic results, both professionally and personally.

Question: What kind of results can clients expect from this personalized coaching?

Dane Bauerle: One of the unintended but very positive outcomes is an increase in engagement. Even if a client is already highly engaged, that level typically rises. Moreover, clients often see benefits in their personal lives, particularly in work-life balance. Most importantly, we focus on making tangible, measurable progress in the specific areas they want to improve. My motto is, “Little improvements over time produce dynamic results,” and that’s exactly what we aim to achieve.

Question: Could you give us an example of a situation where Coach Dane’s one-on-one coaching would be particularly effective?

Dane Bauerle: Two common scenarios come to mind. First, when someone feels stuck—it's not that their boss isn’t doing a good job, but they need an outside perspective to help them move forward. The second scenario is when someone is working toward a major advancement, like a promotion or a raise. In both cases, having a colleague outside of the system, someone who can combine their expertise with an outsider’s perspective can make all the difference. That’s where Coach Dane comes in.

Question: Finally, what message would you like to convey to potential clients who are considering reaching out to Coach Dane for business coaching?

Dane Bauerle: I’d like to remind them of Stephen Covey’s advice in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People—to continue sharpening the saw. Leadership development is a never-ending journey, and if we’re not actively working to improve, we risk falling behind. Whether you choose to work with Coach Dane or pursue development on your own, remember that continuous progress is essential to dynamic leadership.

Question: Thank you, Dane, for sharing your insights with us today. Coach Dane will be a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their leadership to the next level.



Connect with Us for Transformative Leadership Excellence

At the San Antonio Business Leadership Academy and with Coach Dane, we are dedicated to elevating the standards of leadership and management. Our expertly designed training and certification programs for business teams focus on key areas such as profitability, engagement, turnover reduction, customer satisfaction, market growth, and safety enhancement. We believe in nurturing individual talents through our personalized 1:1 business coaching, fostering a culture of continuous development and excellence.

Unlock Your Team's Full Potential
  • Enhance your team's leadership skills.
  • Drive substantial improvements in business performance.
  • Cultivate a workplace environment that thrives on engagement and satisfaction.
Elevate Your Personal Leadership Journey
  • Discover bespoke coaching solutions with Coach Dane.
  • Tailor your personal development to your unique business goals.
  • Harness the power of leadership to transform your professional path.
Ready to Lead the Change?
  • Join our next training session and become a certified leader.
  • Schedule a personal coaching session with Coach Dane and start your journey to excellence.
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