To My Son: Lessons from Yesterday's 2024 Olympic gold medal basketball game

Hey Bud,

Watching the game with you yesterday was pretty awesome. It wasn’t just about the excitement or seeing the best players in the world—there was something more important happening on that court.

Look at those two pictures from the game. They show something that goes way beyond basketball.

In the first picture, you see Steph Curry taking a shot that most people wouldn’t even try. He was up against Victor Wembanyama, who’s way taller than him. Most players would have passed the ball, thinking, "No way I’m making this." But not Steph. He believed in himself, took the shot, and it went in. That shot was more than just points for the team—it was proof that if you believe in yourself and go for it, you can do things that seem impossible.

In the second picture, you see a player from France, Guerschon Yabusele, going up against LeBron James, one of the greatest basketball players ever. And what did he do? He dunked right over LeBron. He didn’t back down, even though he was facing a legend. He saw his chance, took it, and made a huge play.

But here’s something else that’s really important—LeBron knew there was a good chance that he could get "posterized," which is what happens when you get dunked on in a way that makes you look bad. But instead of stepping away, he stepped in. LeBron tried to take the charge, knowing that it might end up as a highlight for the other guy. He didn’t avoid the challenge, even with millions of people and stars watching. That takes guts.

These moments teach us something important: **anything is possible if you have the courage to try.**

In life, you’re going to face challenges that seem too hard. You might be scared of failing, or feel like the odds are against you. But just like in the game, those are the times when you grow the most. Those are the times that define who you are.

So don’t be afraid to take your shot—whether it’s in school, with friends, or chasing your dreams. It’s okay to feel nervous, but don’t let that stop you from going after what you want. Remember, even if you miss, at least you tried. Not trying at all? That’s the real missed opportunity.

Yesterday’s game wasn’t just about winning a gold medal—it was about showing us what can happen when you believe in yourself, step up to challenges, and take that shot.

Here’s a few life lessons to remember:

- Believe in yourself, even when the odds are against you.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks—you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
- Step up to challenges, even if it means you might fail.
- Courage is facing your fears, not running from them.
- Success is not about never failing, but about never giving up.
- Learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward.

I’m proud of you, and I know you’ve got the courage to go after whatever you want in life.




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