Reveal the Real Cost of Turnover with Our Instant Calculator!

Stop the Bleed: Transform Turnover into Triumph

Don't wait for the next resignation to understand the impact. Use our Cost Calculator immediately below and see in real-time how much turnover is truly costing your organization. Every minute counts in turning these losses into opportunities for growth.

Hiring Cost Calculator

Hiring Cost Calculator

Your Results


Note: This calculation does not include any costs associated with productivity loss, etc.

The cost you just saw? That’s only the beginning. Multiply this by every employee lost this year—then consider the unseen costs: lost productivity, delayed projects, dwindling morale. These aren't just numbers; they're the lifelines of your business bleeding out.

This isn't just about reducing costs—it's about creating a thriving workplace where every team member is valued, engaged, and aligned with your vision. Transform your leaders, transform your numbers, transform your business. The time is now!

Enough is enough. Fill out the form below to schedule a powerhouse consultation with Coach Dane. It’s time to harness the strategies that not only stem the tide of turnover but turn your leaders into champions of retention and engagement.

Act Now: Unlock Leadership Strategies That Retain, Engage & Profit

Fix My Turnover NOW!

Get your free stuff here.
-10 Manager Skills That Immediatly Improve Retention & Profit Worksheet (PDF- Free)
-How to Build a Leadersship development program in your organization (webinar 20 min- free)
-Strategy Call with Coach Dane to fix my turnover now (zoom 30-45min- free)
YOUR cost to replace an employee?
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Hiring Cost Calculator


  • Expert-Led Training: Courses are designed and delivered by seasoned leaders with real-world experience, ensuring learning is practical and applicable.
  • Customized Solutions: Each program is tailored to the specific challenges and goals of different organizations, enhancing relevance and effectiveness.
  • Certification Process: Offers a structured pathway to certification in leadership skills, providing formal recognition of professional development.
  • Focus on Results: Committed to driving tangible improvements in leadership, team performance, and organizational outcomes.
  • Engaging Formats: Engages learners with interactive workshops, case studies, and hands-on sessions tailored to adult learning principles.
  • Proven Success: A track record of nurturing strong leaders who advance to higher roles and significantly contribute to organizational growth.

With SABLA, you're not just joining a program; you're embarking on a transformative journey. Our certification process, expert guidance, and personalized learning paths are all designed to not only elevate your leadership skills but also to ensure you make a significant, positive impact on your organization.

I've got your back

Add satisfaction or money back guarantee info here, refund policies, etc. Reassure them you are committed to their success.

Copyright Dane M. Bauerle


Copyright Dane M. Bauerle